Teleconsult services are used for common or non-urgent medical issues.
These common presenting complaints include, but are not limited to:
- Acute URTI eg. cough, runny and sore-throat
- Headache
- Rashes and skin conditions
- Musculoskeletal aches and strain
- Gastrointestinal problems eg. diarrhoea, gastric discomfort, bloating etc.
- Stable chronic conditions, medication refilss etc.
- Women's health eg. menstrual cramps / disorders, contraception etc.
Teleconsult services are not suitable for any emergency symptoms or complex / persistent symptoms.
Examples of conditions NOT suitable for teleconsultation are (not limited to):
- Chest pain, shortness of breath, seizures, sudden onset weakness / numbness / slurred speech
- Any injuries eg. deep / bleeding wounds, suspected fractures, severe pain
- Repeated consultations for the same condition without improvement eg. persistent flu symptoms, any fever longer than 3 days duration
- Repeated medication refills without recent physical consult
- Abdominal pain with fever
- First onset dizziness or loss of balance
- Chronic conditions with poor control or no recent blood tests